BOOKS (from Grades 1 to 4)

Terezinha e Gabriela / Ruth Rocha

É um Livro / Lane Smith

Bom dia, todas as cores / Ruth Rocha

A menina que odiava livros / Manjusha Pawagi

Duda Bocuda / Andréia Vieira

Romeu e Julieta / Ruth Rocha

Chapéuzinho Amarelo / Chico Buarque

Marcelo Marmelo Martelo / Ruth Rocha

Nosso amigo ventinho / Ruth Rocha

Lá vem o ano novo / Ruth Rocha

A galinha que sabia ler / Sandra Aymone

A maior flor do mundo / José Saramago

A loja da Dona Raposa / Hardy Guedes


  • An interactive game that reads with the student. Under the heading “Educoteca” choose the book that you want to read. The game will read to the student, and the student can read along with the text. In the middle of the story it will stop with an interactive game that goes along with the story.
  • ALL grades

Educoteca / Full books in PDF